
Professor Mirosława El Fray at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL 26.01.2018 23:16

The Weizmann Institute of Science is ranked as #6 of the Top 10 research institutions according The Lens rank published by the Nature Index 2017, which is a measure how effectively basic research translates into commercial applications (this is done by measuring how the institution's publications are cited by patents held by third parties - that is, not by the institutions themselves). The Institute, and precisely, The Department of Materials and Interfaces, headed by Prof. Daniel Wagner, is a project partner financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) (Harmonia 6 call) on "Development of new biodegradable elastomeric templates for heart tissue engineering". The project is aiming to develop new polymeric materials and gain a new knowledge on the synthesis of new polymers in a presence of enzymes as catalysts and the physico-chemical structure and mechanical, and biological properties relationship. During a short visit of Prof. Miroslawa El Fray at the Institute, she presented the results of the project progress and also the research activities performed at the Division of Biomaterials and Microbiological Technologies of the Polymer Institute.

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